#30: Show me your mojo
I’m drawn to good expositions.
Perfectly penned compositions.
I love to play with suppositions.
Flirt around with prepositions.
I was sucked into the drama,
Seduced by the Oxford comma.
My questions and exclamations,
Are often met with percontations.
I’m an artist.
First and foremost.
A centrist in a tempest
of emotion
and sometimes,
I’m a leftist.
A skeptic
destined to be tested
by the deftness
of a menace
vested with a lexis
to seduce
but today,
I’m defenceless.
Reckless and
detested by
a voice
on the basis
of a baseless lie.
An alarmist!
A hapless fool
with a scarlet harlot.
I’m an artist.
A lunatic.
A fanatic for writing.
Put away your sword and let’s use words
that can be equal in might.
You wanna fight?
I’m ready to be degrading.
Hating on and debilitating you
into a shrunken vessel.
Sending you reeling
so that you come back jaded.
With tears in your eyes
and your smile all faded.
Into a weeping frown.
All the way down
deep in the ground.
I can’t stop thinking
about how it would feel
to be like you
and stop thinking.
will never stop
his playful winking.
The whole world
is just a sham.
Cogito Ergo Sum.