#17: Why do men always think that not much is wrong?
This question was already loaded without the “always”; add that in and what you’ve got is just a mockery of men, thinking, and time.
Nevertheless. The show must go on. I shall answer the question in the spirit it was asked.
Why do men always think that not much is wrong?
Because it fucking isn’t, Karen, that’s why.
Not much is wrong, pretty much most of the time. The temporary troubles of today — even though they may have a sharpness to them in the moment —will be resolved, and everything will be okay, in due course. In fact, it is now known in behavioural psychology that with very few exceptions, no matter what’s happened today, in about three months, you’ll have either gotten used to it, or gotten over it, and it will no longer be an issue.
I am reminded of a song lyric:
Many things could be better than this, for sure. There’s no question.
But .. things could also be worse — oh so much worse — for both you and me.
So, yea.
Not much is wrong. Calm the fuck down.